Selling Digital Products the Simple Way (US edition)
A guide to digital goods services by Kay McMahon
Say you’ve got a great digital product that you know people will be keen to buy. But you want to make things as straightforward for the buyer as possible - so that if anyone takes an interest, all they have to do is click a link, pay, and enjoy!
Keeping it simple makes it easier for you, the seller, too, so you can get on with the business of creating more great products to sell without having to faff around with shopping carts or worry about SSL security.
But the bottom line's important too. If simple = no profit, then there's not much point in selling.
What’s the answer? Something called a digital goods service (DGS).
What’s one of those? This report will tell you. It explains what a DGS does, the possible advantages and pitfalls of using them, and what to look for when deciding which DGS is right for you.
But it goes a bit deeper than that. Kay's taken six of the better-known DGSs for a test drive (including Gumroad, but also FetchApp, E-junkie and three of the smaller ones) - comparing their facilities not just from what they promise, but from what they actually offer their registered users.
The report also includes tables showing what the six DGSs would charge under four typical scenarios, plus a head-to-head comparison of the features likely to be of most interest to users.
Better still, Kay's created a handy web tool that you can use to calculate which of the six DGSs would offer you the best rate of return on your digital portfolio. Details are in this report!
How much should you pay for this report?
As you can see, we've left it up to you to decide. It's a 30-page report, not a weighty tome. Nevertheless, we believe it's a good, thoroughly researched piece of work that really will help you understand what a digital goods service is and how to choose the one that's right for you.
If you choose to pay a dollar up front, we'll be happy. You can always come back and pay more if you decide afterwards that it's worth more than that.
If you think it's worth more than a dollar, sight unseen, we'll be delighted. Don't go mad, though. We don't want you to be disappointed!
If you decide not to pay anything at all for now while you evaluate the report - well, perhaps when you've made the right choice of DGS and earned your megabucks you'll come back and share the wealth!